Getting past the roadblocks
We haven’t historically been great at contract discipline, contracting strategy or rigour. We were particularly impressed with Radiant’s offer not just of delivery but also advice - pulling us up the chain in terms of creating playbooks, helping with tech solutions, improving discipline and enforcing policies.
The real key for us is how well you’ve done in establishing great rapport with the UK business. It was our biggest concern, they were not keen to use an external provider and were roadblocking but now that’s definitely not the case, you’ve achieved a complete turnaround and now they are looking to use Radiant more widely.
The dashboards are great, and you’ve been very responsive when we’ve asked for additional things. That’s been really helpful to give us a picture of how legal is being used and help us dig into why some are never coming to legal.
On the tech side of things you’re great at having a view. It can take so long to research and review options, but Radiant can just cut straight through the chatter and tell us what works, and we trust and appreciate your advice around this.
We have been really impressed, the business feedback has been so good, the way the initial doubters are now on board is testament to your understanding of our position and the way you’ve moved things forward.
The whole team is brilliant, I would say thank you to everyone who is supporting us. You’re doing a great job and it’s making a real difference.